

What are the four scalar types of PHP?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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Four scalar types of PHP


String is used for binary data. This can be text, content of an image file etc.

$today = 'hey how are you';


For numeric values, Int is used. Int can contain a positive or a negative number.

$total = 20000000;

$temperature = -14 ;


Float is used for numbers that have a fractional component. Float can also contain positive or negative values.

$length = 145.78;

$growthRate = -5.216;

Sometimes name Double is used for Float values.


Boolean is used for values that are either true or false. You would often see Boolean values in conditional statements.

if (($age > 12) && ($age < 20)) {

$teenage = true;

} else {

$teenage = false;


//Some content goes here

if ($teenage) {


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