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basicly four type errors in php





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Q: What are the different types of errors in PHP?
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Related questions

What might be the causes of errors in PHP?

The main causes of errors in PHP can be the problems occurring from the MYSQL database (if there) or errors from Apache handler. These errors can be prevented by hosting the MYSQL database on a trusted and good server.

What are the different commands in php?

PHP doesn't use typical computer commands, typed in command prompt. PHP is a server-side scripting language and it uses functions, classes, objects, conditional statements, loops, operators, various data types and some other language constructs.

What are the different types of errors in auditing?

Different types of errors in auditing include human error, and an individual having sole responsibility rather than having assistance.

Where can PHP help be found online?

PHP help can be found online in several different places. Some of these places include PHP Live Support, PHP Moot, PHP Help, Live Person, and PHP Freaks.

What is php image size?

PHP can create images of different sizes. It depends on a particular image.

When should globals be used in PHP?

Problem with using global variables in php is that they lose the the assigned value in a different php file. They only keep the global variable value in the php file in which they are declared. Instead of globals try and use $_SESSION or $_COOKIE to keep value intact across different php files in a project

Is there any nationwide way to track medical errors?

At present, there is no unified system for tracking different types of medical errors.

What is CMS and its Type in PHP?

CMS is a Content Management System, Some types of CMS's that are written in PHP would be WordPress, Drupal, Joomla. Is this what you were asking?

What is the difference between PHP and JSP?

They are different technologies - JSP stands for Java Server Pages, where PHP means PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor... Basically, they do the same thing - generate webpages, but JSP scripts are programmed in Java, and PHP scripts in PHP, which are completely different scripting languages. PHP is usually used in small to medium-sized projects, where Java tends to be percieved as a more "enterprisey" (aimed at large projects).

What is syntax in php?

We can use php tags in different ways. <?php //php code to be written here ?> OR <? //php code ?> This tag will not work when we using editors such as macromedia dreamweaver. OR < script language="php"> //php code </script>

What do you need to host a PHP site?

The basics required to host a web site written in PHP (commonly):A serverA Linux OSApache http webserverPHPThis would be the most used set up for a PHP web site, normally this would also include installing MySQL as a database server which would complete what is commonly referred to as a LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP).There is software and emulators available that will allow you to run PHP and many different types of servers including Windows and IIS, but the above is the most commonly accepted set up.

What is the purpose of a PHP session?

A PHP session serves quite a few purposes. PHP sessions store data that the web application developer would like to have preserved across the different page loads.