

What are the components of jsp?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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A JSP File Contents:

A JSP file can contain the following:

a. HTML contents

b. JavaScript

c. Java Code

Combining the features of the above 3 mentioned items; we get a powerful entity called the JSP. JSPs are used for the User Interface layer or the more colloquially called Front End layer of any J2EE application.

JSP Skeleton

Below is how a Skeleton JSP File would look like. (The file has to be saved as .jsp)

// Page Imports

<%@ page import = " %>

// Tag Library References

<%@ taglib URI = "path to Taglib file" prefix = "xx" %>

// here xx refers to the prefix with which the tag library will be referred to

// HTML Head & Title Content

// Java Script Content

// HTML Body & Form Contents

Note: Java code can be placed within the <% %> tags in the body part of the JSP page within the Body tags.

As you can see, a JSP file is pretty straightforward. Also, an important point to note here is the fact that, not all of the entities mentioned above are mandatory. You can include or exclude any of the entities mentioned above, based on your requirement and convenience.

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What are jsp actions?

JSP actions are XML tags that direct the server to use existing components or control the behavior of the JSP engine. JSP Actions consist of a typical (XML-based) prefix of "jsp" followed by a colon, followed by the action name followed by one or more attribute parameters. There are six JSP Actions: &lt; jsp : include / &gt; &lt; jsp : forward / &gt; &lt; jsp : plugin / &gt; &lt; jsp : usebean / &gt; &lt; jsp : setProperty / &gt; &lt; jsp : getProperty / &gt;

What does jsp mean?

jsp means Java Server Pages.

What is the purpose of page directive in JSP?

The Page Directive is one of the important components of any JSP Page. It can help us define page specific properties like Buffer size or location of an error page etc A JSP page, and any files included via the include directive, can contain one or more page directives but no duplicates. The JSP container will apply all the attributes to the page. The position of these page directives is irrelevant, but it is good practice to keep them together at the top of the page. (So that we can identify them easily)

What are the Implicit object in JSP?

The implicit objects in a JSP page are:requestresponsepageContextsessionapplicationoutconfigpage

What is the difference between ASP and JSP?

ASP stands for "Active Server Pages"JSP stands for "Java Server Pages"asp(classic) is interpreted, which means the code has to be read each time a page is called. jsp is compiled into java classes which makes for a much faster page generation.Classic asp(not the new .NET) has to rely on Active X, COM or other Microsoft technologies to really enhance functionality of the code. jsp can bring in every java capability.Handling email in asprequires external components such as CDONTS or aspMail and was tricky to implement. JavaMail for jsp was a 10 minute download and was much easier to use.

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What are jsp actions?

JSP actions are XML tags that direct the server to use existing components or control the behavior of the JSP engine. JSP Actions consist of a typical (XML-based) prefix of "jsp" followed by a colon, followed by the action name followed by one or more attribute parameters. There are six JSP Actions: &lt; jsp : include / &gt; &lt; jsp : forward / &gt; &lt; jsp : plugin / &gt; &lt; jsp : usebean / &gt; &lt; jsp : setProperty / &gt; &lt; jsp : getProperty / &gt;

What is the relationship between JSP and JDBC?

There is no other relation apart from having Java in their names. JSP is a technology that is used to create powerful User Interface components whereas JDBC is a technology that is used to connect to Relational Databases like Oracle or Sybase

What is acronym of jsp?

JSP stands for Java Server Pages

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JSP stands for Java Server Pages

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What does jsp mean?

jsp means Java Server Pages.

What is the purpose of page directive in JSP?

The Page Directive is one of the important components of any JSP Page. It can help us define page specific properties like Buffer size or location of an error page etc A JSP page, and any files included via the include directive, can contain one or more page directives but no duplicates. The JSP container will apply all the attributes to the page. The position of these page directives is irrelevant, but it is good practice to keep them together at the top of the page. (So that we can identify them easily)

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JSP and HTML are similar in some way or other. JSP is one which has work on Java Programming as well.

Which is the website for jsp tutorials?

There are many websites for JSP Tutorials. Just google with text as "JSP Tutorials" or click on the related links in this answer...

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The implicit objects in a JSP page are:requestresponsepageContextsessionapplicationoutconfigpage