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It has both procedure programming language and OOP (object oriented programming) language features. This means that the programmers from different programming language backgrounds can pick up this language within a short period of time. Most similar to C & C++ language syntax.

Open source: It is developed and maintained by a large group of developers. This will help in creating a support community and abundant extension libraries.

Speed: It is relatively fast, since it uses not much system resources.

Easy to use: It uses a C like syntax, so for those who are familiar with C, it’s very easy for them to pick up and easy to create website scripts.

Stable: Since it is maintained by many developers, bugs are rather found and fixed quickly, making it a stable software.

Powerful library support: You can easily find functional modules you need such a PDF, graph etc.

Built in database connection modules: You can connect to databases easily using PHP, since many websites are data/ content driven, so we will use database frequently, this will largely reduce the development time of web apps.

It can be run on many platforms, including Windows, Linux and Mac. therefore it’s easy for users to find hosting service providers.

MySQL is used with PHP as back end tool. Thee popular online database can be interfaced very well with PHP. So it’s been the excellent choice for webmasters. It has powerful output buffering. It can internally rearrange the buffer so that the headers comes before the content. It is dynamic and works in combination with HTML to display dynamic elements on the page.

It can be used with a large number of relational database management systems, runs on all of the Web Browsers (example: Apache, personal web server, Microsoft IIS, Netscape, iPlanet) and all databases (example: MySQL, dBase, IBM DB2, ODBC, PostgreSQL, Inter Base, Front Base, SQLite). PHP5 is fully object oriented language can be hosted nearly everywhere. Its documentation is excellent. PHP has a selection of decent CMS’s such as Drupal, Expression Engine and WordPress.

PHP runs in separate isolated processes within Apache so it is very difficult for anyone process to bring down the entire web browser. If anything goes wrong, there is minimal effect because PHP’s state is completely reset at the beginning of the each request. This ends up being more reliable than systems that use long-lived processes, that handle many requests. It’s completely free and no need to pay any fees. It is highly flexible and use it’s own memory space.

Community Support: A huge advantage the technology has is its community. If you are looking for a particular script, chances are another user has already created something similar. Check within the community for availability. Likewise, if you have created a function that other’s might enjoy, be sure to post the code for others.

Security: It offers security that can prevent malicious attacks. This can be adjusted for example in the .ini file.

Talent Availability: You can hire programmers with this technology skill more easily than any other language programmers since so many people know the language.

Bright Future: Although PHP is already well established, its future prospects are infinite. The keynote is that PHP is loosely typed. This makes simple scripts much faster to develop. One has to devote much less energy towards design.


This comes from the ample language features. Some libraries written by a programmer from a procedure programming language may be difficult for programmers with an OOP background to maintain.

Security: Since it is open sourced, all people can see the source code. If there are bugs in the source code, it can be used by people to explore the weakness of it.

Not suitable of large applications: It will be difficult to use it for programming huge applications. Since the programming language is not highly modular, huge applications created out of the programming language will be difficult to maintain.

Weak type: Implicit conversion may surprise unwary programmers and lead to unexpected bugs. Confusion between arrays and hash tables. This is slow and could be faster. There are often a few ways to accomplish a task. It is not strongly typed. It is interpreted and uses curly braces.

Poor Error Handling Method: The framework has a bad error handling method. It is not a proper solution for the developers. Therefore, as a qualified PHP developer, you will have to overcome it.

PHP is unable to handle large number of apps: The technology is helpless to support a bunch of apps. It is highly tough to manage because, it is not competent modular. It already imitates the features of Java language.

It will not give the performance of, for example, “C” or “C++” languages. Because it is a scripting language and is interpreted it will be a bit slower than the optimized “C++” programs.

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of PHP?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of PHP functions?

There are too many (hundreds) functions for there to be an answer to this. Advantages are that they can be used server side to print output that can be translated from databases etc. Disadvantages it that it can delay the loading time of all you pages.

What are the limitations of PHP?

Everything has limitations or disadvantages and PHP is no exception. The following are the limitations of PHP (so be WARNED !!) # PHP is NOT 100 % pure Object Oriented scripting language. But in near future PHP may support 100% object oriented scripting (PHP may imitate most of the syntax of Java language). PHP already imitates some features of Java language. (In future PHP language will imitate most features of Java language and Java programmers will love PHP. And PHP will have java keywords like class, extends, interface, implements, public, protected, private etc..). # PHP will NOT give the performance of "C" or "C++" language. Because it is scripting language and is interpreted it will be a bit slower than the optimized "C++" programs. For top performance, you should use "C++" and fast-CGI with database/webserver connection pooling and use C++ compiler optimizer "-O3" options. Zend optimizer in PHP 4 will speed up the performance of PHP and bring it very close to optimized "C" code . # But note a point that PHP was designed for very Rapid Web-Application Development tool. If it takes about 3 months to code a web application in C++, then using PHP you can develop the same web application in just 4 days!! And with zend optimizer, the speed of execution of PHP will be very close to that of equivalent C++ program!! Hence, there is really no advantage in using C/C++ for web development. PHP itself is written in 100% "C" language. On the other hand, PHP has lot of advantages and it's advantages outweigh it's limitations - # You can very rapidly develop web applications in PHP as compile and link is eliminated in PHP scripting language. # PHP applications are very stable and do not depend on the browser technologies unlike Javascript applications which depend on browsers. PHP will give you the freedom to select any server platform. The browser does not know that the HTML page is generated by PHP !! # PHP has excellent database conectivity to all SQL database servers. # PHP has partial support for Object oriented features # PHP has C++, Perl, Javascript like syntax features and has programs like 'ptags/ctags' to navigate the source code # PHP has Zend optimizer which speeds up the performance # PHP runs on all unixes, linux, Windows 95/NT/2000 and is more powerful than ASP, JSP and others. # PHP has a very large user base and developer base.Ref:

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What is new in PHP?

PHP is a recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" created by The PHP Group. PHP is a widely used server-side scripting language and the general purpose of PHP is to create dynamic Web Pages. For more information, visit the PHP website.

What is php fullform?

"PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor".

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Ultimately PHP is a programming language and MySQL is a database language. Using PHP with MySQL is a nice combination with built-in support and the simplicity of it all. However, there aren't a lot of disadvantages of using PHP with a database, it just allows for better data organization and whatnot. There are definitely advantages and disadvantages to using a database other than MySQL (such as MongoDB or PostgreSQL).

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of PHP functions?

There are too many (hundreds) functions for there to be an answer to this. Advantages are that they can be used server side to print output that can be translated from databases etc. Disadvantages it that it can delay the loading time of all you pages.

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