1)strong number
1 declare
2 n number(3);
3 fact number(3):=1;
4 rem number(3);
5 m number(3);
6 sum1 number(3):=0;
7 begin
8 dbms_output.put_line('enter a number');
9 n:=&n;
10 m:=n;
11 while(n>0) loop
12 rem:=mod(n,10);
13 for i in 1..rem loop
14 fact:=fact*i;
15 end loop;
16 sum1:=sum1+fact;
17 n:=trunc(n/10);
18 fact:=1;
19 end loop;
20 if(sum1=m) then
21 dbms_output.put_line(m' IS STRONG NUMBER');
22 else
23 dbms_output.put_line('IT IS NOT STRONG NUMBER');
24 end if;
25* end;
What is the difference between strong and brave
Oh, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of numbers! Between 20 and 25, the number 23 is a prime number. It stands tall and strong on its own, with only two factors - 1 and itself. Just like a happy little tree, standing proudly in the sunlight.
Well, honey, 5.32 as a mixed number in simplest form is 5 16/25. Just divide the decimal part by 0.04 to get 16/25. Don't worry, I won't judge if math isn't your strong suit.
Bases are pH of 8 or higher. A strong base is usually considered 11 - 14
No, it is not.
only one
Decode can be used in PLSQL, but in version 9i and later the case statement is easier to use, more powerful and more intuitive.
Are really important in an Oracle Database.
--THE SUM OF TWO NUMBERS: declare a number(2); b number(2); c number(2); begin a:=&a; b:=&b; c:=a+b; dbms_output.put_line(a ' + 'b' = 'c); end;
using plsql sql
A PL/SQL subprogram is equivalent to a procedure or function in conventional procedural programming.
Declare num number(10):=# a number(10); counter number:=1; begin for i in 1..10 LOOP a:=num*counter; DBMs_output.put_line(a); Counter:=counter+1; end loop; end;
You can do that with Sql*Plus: SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE foo ... IS ... END foo; / SHOW ERRORS
Stored procedure is the pl-sql block in precomplile from and can be used to excecute plsql statement
i cant download from ...any where
The phone number of the Strong Public Library is: 870-797-2165.
Logic Of Strong number: Take anumber.First findout the factorials of all the digits of the number.Then sum the factorials of all the digits.If that sum is equal to the entered number then that number is said to be a strong number.