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Q: If you have created a table and you want to add 3 more rows to it. To add the new rows to the table what would you do?
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How do you select all columns of all rows from a table?

You select all columns of all rows from a table with the select * from table_name sql statement. Be careful, this can potentially be a very expensive, poor performance, network intensive type of operation - it is better to select only the columns and rows needed.

Sql select to return one value?

It depends on the DBMS MSSQL: SELECT TOP 1 column FROM table MySQL: SELECT column FROM table LIMIT 0,1 (start index, number of rows to get)

What is 116 divided into how many even rows?

116 ÷ 2 = 58 even rows. There will also be 58 odd rows.

What are the different ways to arrange 100 chairs using the factors of 100?

1 row of 100 chairs. 2 rows of 50 chairs. 4 rows of 25 chairs. 5 rows of 20 chairs. 10 rows of 10 chairs. 20 rows of 5 chairs. 25 rows of 4 chairs. 50 rows of 2 chairs. 100 rows of 1 chair. Or you could put them all in one big circle.

Where are the function of selection and projection operation?

The Selection Operation is used to select a subset of the tuples (records) from a relation (file) that satisfy a selection condition.If we think of a relation as a table, the select operation select some of the Rows from the table while discarding other Rows. The Projection select certain column from the table and discarding the other columns.The result of the Projection operation can hence be visualized as a vertical partition of the relation into two relations, one has needed columns (attributes) & contain the result of the operations & the other contains in the discarded column.Binamani BoroGuwahati

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Do you have a table without rows?

You can have a table without rows. It would be an empty table with no data. select (*)count from TABLENAME; 0 rows returned.

The horizontal rows in a periodic table are called groups?

Actually, the horizontal rows in a periodic table are called periods, not groups. Groups are the vertical columns that share similar chemical properties.

How many rows are there in Modern periodic table?

There are currently 18 rows in the modern periodic table, called periods.

Are periods horizontal rows on the periodic table?

rows. the vertical columns are called periods

What are the rows in the periodic table caaled?

The rows in the periodic table are called periods. There are 7 periods in periodic table.

Horizontal rows are called what?

Horizontal rows are called "rows" in a table or grid structure. They run from left to right across the page.

What are the horizontal rows on the peridoc table of elements called?

The rows on the periodic table are called periods.

What two options do you use with the on commit clause when creating a global temporary table?

When creating a global temporary table, you can specify either "preserve rows" or "delete rows" with the ON COMMIT clause. "Preserve rows" keeps the data in the table after a commit, while "delete rows" removes the data in the table after a commit.

What are the horizontal rows elements called on a periodic table?

The horizontal rows are periods on periodic table. There are 7 horizontal rows in modern periodic table.

How many up and down rows does the periodic table have?

The periodic table has 7 rows and 32 columns.

What are the horizon rows in the periodic table called?

The horizon rows in the periodic table are called periods. There are a total of 7 periods in the periodic table, each representing a different energy level of the elements within that row.

What is tuples in sql?

Tuple is a collection of one or more attributes or rows present in a table.