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Q: If the vertex 5 and 7 is placed in the memory First vertex 1 and 1 address is 1245 and then address of vertex 5 and 7 is?
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How can you use estimation to place the decimal point in the quotient 42.56 divided by 22?

44/22 = 2 so the decimal point should be placed after the first digit (which is a 1).

What is difference between multi tasking and multiprogramming?

MultiTasking:In MultiTasking operating system, several jobs are executed in parallel by the operating system, through multiple processors (or) CPUs only.Like .CPU1: Job-ACPU2: Job-BCPU3: Job-CMultiprogramming :The method of Multiprogramming systems comes in the 1960s. In that process several different programs in batch were loaded in the computer memory, and the first one began to run. One program after another executed when the first program reached an instruction waiting for a device that has a message, the context of this program was stored away, and the second program in memory was given a chance to run. The process continued until all programs finished running.By :

What does it mean when less than and greater than are placed between two expressions?

This is used in computer languages (including spreadsheets like Excel) to indicate inequality. If two numbers are not equal, then the first one is either larger or smaller than the second one. This symbol is sometimes used because the standard inequality symbol is not readily available.

What is the difference between branch instruction call sub routine program and interrupt?

Branch Instruction A branch (or jump on some computer architectures, such as the PDP-8 and Intel x86) is a point in a computer program where the flow of control is altered. The term branch is usually used when referring to a program written in machine code or assembly language; in a high-level programming language, branches usually take the form of conditional statements, subroutine calls or GOTO statements. An instruction that causes a branch, a branch instruction, can be taken or not taken: if a branch is not taken, the flow of control is unchanged and the next instruction to be executed is the instruction immediately following the current instruction in memory; if taken, the next instruction to be executed is an instruction at some other place in memory. There are two usual forms of branch instruction: a conditional branch that can be either taken or not taken, depending on a condition such as a CPU flag, and an unconditional branch which is always taken. Call Subroutine instructions Call Subroutine instructions and Return From Subroutine instructions within the instruction stream. The first stage stores a return address in a return register when a Call Subroutine instruction is predicted. The first stage predicts a return to the return address in the return register when a Return From Subroutine instruction is predicted. A second stage decodes each Call Subroutine and Return From Subroutine instruction in order to maintain a Return Stack Buffer that stores a stack of return addresses. Each time the second stage decodes a Call Subroutine instruction, a return address is pushed onto the Return Stack Buffer. Correspondingly, each time the second stage decodes a Return From Subroutine instruction, a return address is popped off of the Return Stack Buffer. The second stage verifies predictions made by the first stage and predicts return addresses for Return From Subroutine instructions that were not predicted by the first stage. A third stage executes Return From Subroutine instructions such that the predictions are verified. Finally, a fourth stage retires Return From Subroutine instructions and ensures that no instructions fetch after a mispredicted return address are committed into permanent state. Program interrupt an interrupt is an asynchronous signal from hardware indicating the need for attention or a synchronous event in software indicating the need for a change in execution. A hardware interrupt causes the processor to save its state of execution via a context switch, and begin execution of an interrupt handler. Software interrupts are usually implemented as instructions in the instruction set, which cause a context switch to an interrupt handler similar to a hardware interrupt. Interrupts are a commonly used technique for computer multitasking, especially in real-time computing. Such a system is said to be interrupt-driven. An act of interrupting is referred to as an interrupt request ("IRQ").

What is the difference between an apple id and the password?

The Apple ID is the EMAIL address used when the account was FIRST set up. The password is the password provided at the same time when the account was FIRST set up, i.e. email password ; online banking password, WHATEVER password was used in setting up the account is what is used. If unsure of the password, request a new password and they'll send a link to your email, and you must provided the Apple ID (the email address used to sign up with) in the request, and if you can't remember then no other choice but to do any one of your choice of 4 (four) things: begin a new account just as you did the first time ; send them email ; contact a local Apple Store by telephone/in person ; submit a "trouble ticket" on the Apple website.

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What memory is always assigned to the first intruction in the ROM BIOS?

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NONE! The 80186 was an advanced version of the 8086 but did not include support for virtual memory. It had a 64K physical address space. The 80286 was the first Intel CPU to support virtual memory but it's capabilities were limited.

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MOV AX,[2015H] meaning: first it refers to memory add 2015 n main memory the main memory in turns contains the address of operand, which is then fetched.

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A cycle is a closed path such that the end vertex of the final edge is the start vertex of the first edge.

How do you draw timing diagram of ADD M instruction?

I'm assuming that you mean "Add the contents of memory to an accumulator and place the sum back in the accumulator". First, the address of the memory location needs to be placed on the address bus and the control lines to memory need to be driven in such a way as to tell the memory that a write operation has been requested (usually enabling OE and synchronizing with a clock). Next (one or more clock cycles later depending on the type of memory being used), the data is returned from the memory. It must then be routed to the ALU. The value in the accumulator must also be moved to the ALU and can be performed in either the first or second CPU cycle, depending on the internal architecture of the CPU. It is probably safest to do this in the first cycle. Next the ALU must perform the addition instruction (third CPU cycle). Finally, in the fourth cycle, the result can be moved from the ALU back to the accumulator.

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The address of the Memory Lane Museum Of Greater Yakima is: 1511 South First St, Yakima, WA 98901-3543

What is the first test Test 0 performed by memtest86?

Test 0 [Address test, walking ones, no cache]Tests all address bits in all memory banks by using a walking ones address pattern.

Does a vertex delivery mean a vaginal delivery?

The word "vertex" tells you which part of the baby's head came out first. It implies a vaginal delivery.

How are elements of an array stored in memory?

Computer memory is linear so a one dimensional array can be mapped on to the memory cells in rather straight forward manner.To find the actual address of an element one needs to subtract one from the position of the desired entry and then add the result to the address of the the first cell in the sequence.Having said that therefore it is necessary to know the starting address of the space allocated to the array and the size of the each element, which is same for all the elements of an array.The the location of the Ith element would be B+I*S where B is the base address(Starting address of the array) and S is the size of each element of the array.

why we ram called the miss named memory is it correct or not?

It's called β€œrandom” because you can access any memory address directly, without having to pass through all the lower addresses first.

Can a hexagon be divided into 4 equal trapezoids?

yes it can if you can use mirror images than first you bisect the hexagon from vertex to vertex, then bisect with a perpendicular to that then WALA!