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obviuosly if you've tested and it's positive!

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Q: I have a very exact menstrual cycle 28 days. I got my period early last month 21 days. I experienced cramping and now this month I have not had my period. I tested and it is positive. Am I pregnant?
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Is it normal to feel menstrual cramps when 4 weeks pregnant?

Yes, providing they are not severe or come with blood.

You stopped breastfeeding 7 months ago you noticed in one breast that when you squeeze it a bit of liquid comes out Also you have been cramping Are these pregnancy symptoms or menstrual symptoms?

You might be pregnant - take a test These are menstrual symptoms, it takes a while for your breasts to dry up, not pregnant.

Can you menstruate after getting a positive pregnancy test?

No you cannot. When you are pregnant your menstrual cycle is stopped until after birth

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You fainted twice back to back and you have heavy cramping but you are bleeding are you pregnant?

If you are cramping and bleeding and you ARE pregnant you are having a miscarriage. you need to see a doctor.

When can signs of being pregnant start?

Just after conception, but usually not until four weeks after the last menstrual period. That is when the "test" turns positive.

Im 5 dpo and noticed a little blood on my used toliet paper also light cramps and bloating could I be pregnant?

Yes, it is possible that you experienced implantation bleeding and cramping.

Can you be pregnant if youre spotting and cramping?


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If im pregnant and have severe cramping and bleeding and took a test again and came out positive can that still be a miscarriage?

The test will show positive for a few weeks after a miscarriage until the hormones have settled. You need to get a ultrasound to be sure.