1 British pound is 1.69 US Dollars.
£10 (GBP) is equal to $16.20 (USD). Using to conversion, or exchange rate of 1.62 dollars to the pound.
£1.00 = $1.65
Quid is slang for British pounds. Quid refers to the older form of british money.
it equals about 1.6181 US dollars
10 British Pound = 19.70560 US Dollar
A Tunisian Dinar is equal to .35 British Pound Sterling.ÊOne British Pound Sterling is equal to 1851.47 Iraqi Dinars.
As of today (02APR2011), $1 US Dollar is worth about 0.62 British Pounds. 1 Pound is worth about $1.61.
One British Pound is currently equal to one US Dollar and 60 cents.
Do you mean the money currency, or the weight ?
See Universal Currency Converter link
One United States dollar is equal to 0.62 British pounds. One British Pound is equal to $1.60 in United States currency.
25000 British Pound equals 32355.25 US Dollar
Currently the exchange rate is: 160 British Pound equals 199.71 US Dollars.
130 British Pence is equal to One Pound and 30 Pence.
1 British pound is 1.69 US Dollars.
As of February 14, 2011 the exchange rate is:1 British pound = 1.6021 U.S. dollarsBritish money actually has a higher value than the US dollar.