It's just a nickel, spend it.
It's not rare, millions are still in circulation today spend it.
Please check your coin again. The only modern nickel to carry the picture of a buffalo is one of the two Lewis and Clark commemorative nickels minted in 2005.If that's what you have, it doesn't have much extra value if you found it in change. Huge numbers of them were saved almost as soon as they came out.
It's worth exactly 5 cents.
Sorry, no Buffalo nickels were ever struck in silver.
The 2005 nickel with a buffalo on the reverse is worth exactly 5 cents.
It's just a nickel, spend it.
It's worth 5 cents.
How much is a 1820 buffalo nickel
President Bush is not on a US coin.
It is worth 5 cents.
No. This is a rumor that has crossed the country but there is no truth in it. While the buffalo is clearly male, there is very little difference in the buffalo on the 2005 buffalo from the buffalo on the Buffalo nickel produced from 1913 through 1938. Click on the link named "BUFFALO NICKEL" in the "RELATED LINKS" at the lower left corner of this box to see for yourself. Click on the link named "2005 Buffalo" to see the 2005 nickel.
It's not rare, millions are still in circulation today spend it.
It's worth exactly 5 cents.
It's not rare, millions are still in circulation today, just spend it.
No 2005 Bison Reverse nickels were struck in silver.
Buffalo Nickels weigh 5 grams and are made of an alloy that is 75% copper and 25% nickel.