5 pesos is 35 cents in U.S.A currency.100 pesos is about 7.31$
5 pesos is worth thirty eight cents in American currency. This figure is under the assumption that Mexican pesos are what is being referred to.
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Exchange rates vary from day to day, but as of 2/28/18, 5 Mexican pesos would equal about 27 US cents.
around 21.50 pesos
5 Wu jiao is equivalent to 0.16 pounds.
5 Wu jiao is equivalent to half a Chinese jin, which is approximately 0.5 pounds.
how much is 5 wu jiao 4 worth in canadian currency
Very low.
half of 1 yuan.
What is the currency rate for yi yuan zhongguo renmin yinhang 5 Wu jiao serial number is ce41943117
What is the currency rate for yi yuan zhongguo renmin yinhang 5 Wu jiao serial number is ce41943117
China's official currency is the Renminbi (literally "People's Money) and is internationally traded as the Yuan. There are 2 sub group to the Yuan. The Jiao and the Fen. 1 Yuan = 10 Jiao 1 Jiao = 10 Fen Therefore 1 Yuan = 100 Fen The Renminbi (RNB) is tied to the USD: 1 USD = 8.08 RMB. 5 (WU)JIAO the 1/2 equivalent in USD terms:~50¢US And you will see than the (Wu) 5 Jiao is existing under the form of a banknote or a coin. JCK
What is the currency rate for yi yuan zhongguo renmin yinhang 5 Wu jiao serial number is ce41943117
5 pesos is 35 cents in U.S.A currency.100 pesos is about 7.31$