Well, isn't that a lovely question! To convert 238 crore to US dollars, we need to consider the current exchange rate. As of today, 1 crore is approximately equal to 142,857 US dollars. So, 238 crore would be around 34 million US dollars. Remember, numbers can be like happy little accidents - just enjoy the process of converting them!
it equals about 1.6181 US dollars
its the same
Depends on the denomination or "currency".... Question needs to be more specific 1 million US Dollars in penny's 1 million US Dollars in 1 Dollar bills 1 million US Dollars in 100 Dollar bills 1 million US Dollars in Indian Rupee 1 million US Dollars in gold ...
6 Chilean pesos are worth 0.012 US dollars, or about 1 cent. 6 Mexican pesos are worth 0.464 US dollars, or about 46 cents.
It's like 4.5 million dollars
1 1964 satusen how much worth in us dollars
1 and 1/4 cents.
how much is 1 million yen in us dollars
How much is 1 crore rupees in us dollars?
12,313.8000 US dollars
11,948.4 US dollars
1000 dollars
0.010212 U.S. dollars
approximately 864,905.266 US dollars.
1 US Dollar buys 1.0320 Canadian Dollars as at 16Oct09