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Q: How much default Horizontal and Vertical gap in FlowLayout?
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What physical property does the vertical intercept represent?

If x is horizontal distance in your graph, and y is vertical distance, the vertical intercept is what y is when x=0. For example, if x is the time since you started a business, and y is how much your business is worth, the vertical intercept is how much money you started off with.

Advantages and disadvantages of vertical and horizontal organizational structure?

Vertical organizational structures have clear lines of authority but bottom associates may feel undervalued. Horizontal organizational structures have high employee satisfaction but there may be too much responsibility placed on individuals.

What is the slope of a horizontal line?

The slope of a horizontal line is zero. It has a slope, but slope = 0 and this makes it different from a vertical line which has a slope that is undefined because you cannot divide 0 over 0 which is how much a vertical line rises and runs.Ways to find slope:(y2-y1)/(x2-x1 )orrise/run

The slope is a horizontal line is?

The slope of a horizontal line is zero. It has a slope, but slope = 0 and this makes it different from a vertical line which has a slope that is undefined because you cannot divide 0 over 0 which is how much a vertical line rises and runs.Ways to find slope:(y2-y1)/(x2-x1 )orrise/run

The ramp rises 20° from the ground and a vertical distance of 30 inches. How much horizontal distance does the ramp cover Round to the nearest tenth?

82.4 in

How do horizontal merger vertical merger and conglomerates differ?

A horizontal merger combines two firms in the same market. A vertical merger combines two firms involved in different stages. A conglomerate combines two firms that produce unrelated goods or services. Pretty much they all combine two firms or more but in different ways.

Can you undefine the slope of a horizontal line?

Any line, except a vertical line has a well defined slope. It cannot be undefined. In much the same way as you cannot be undefined!

The staircase rises 52° from the ground and a vertical distance of 12 yards. How much horizontal distance does the staircase cover Round to the nearest tenth?

9.4 yards i think

Should an Xbox be vertical or orazontle?

... i think you mean horizontal. the Xbox is better to be played horizontal (in my opinion). For one reason it makes it much safer from falling or scratching the disk. I have personally put mine verticle nocked it over and it scratched my disk!

How do you explain the Tags BR and HR?

br is a line break, hr is a horizontal adds vertical spacing between elements on a page, much like the spacing between to paragraphs of adds a horizontal line. example:before hrafter hr

Why you can not judge vertical dimension?

The human brain can judge distance merely by practice. A baby can't properly judge distance yet. Most people simply don't practice on vertical distances nearly as much as horizontal. Also, it's much harder to verify your judgment if you do try to practise.

Are there advantages to using a vertical style rotisserie?

A great advantage to using a vertical style rotisserie cooker is that a vertical style cookier is more convenient for smaller foods such as taco's and small pieces of meat. They are easier to use because they do not require proper balance. Horizontal cookers are used for larger pieces of meat and need proper balance to ensure thorough cooking. Vertical rotisserie cookers are smaller and more compact than most horizontal cookers thus, not taking up as much counter space.