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It really depends on the series. For modern Federal Reserve Notes, I'd imagine the value is about $4-5 for the sheet. However, the price would substantially increase for earlier issues.

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Q: How much are uncut 1.00 bills worth sheet of 4?
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How much are 6 consecutive ten dollar bills worth?

Together, $60.00. However, some collectors might offer you a bit more for the novelty of it.

How much are 2 dollar bills with red writing on them worth?

The red printing (not writing; bills are printed and not handwritten, LOL!) indicates that you have a United States Note. The value of your bills depends very much on their dates and what letter, if any, appears next to the date. You can either post a new question or check a site such as the one under Related Links, below.

How much more is a 1962 2 bill worth then a 1963 2 bill?

THAN, not "then", and not 1962 either. The US didn't print any bills with that date.

How much is two million pesos worth in American dollars?

Mexico has revalued its currency several times so if you have bills you need to know what their dates are. Bills from the 1970s and 80s are only worth 1/1000 as much as modern pesos, for example. Exchange rates change almost every day so any conversion factor posted here would be out of date within 24 hours. For the latest rates you can check sites such as or CNNMoney.

How much is a 1000 bill worth?

1000 dollars+ That's the FACE value of the bill. Because the U.S. never withdrew or demonetized any currency, all bills are worth their face (printed) value at a minimum. However, the COLLECTOR's value can be much different. However, without knowing more about the bill it's not possible to say anything more definite. The auction site linked below shows current retail values for $1000 bills of different dates and series.

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16 dollars

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How much are 4 us uncut dollar bills with the same serial number on them be worth?

Four genuine bills on a sheet will NOT have the same exact serial number.

How much is an uncut sheet of 8 1 dollar bills laminated from the late 1970 worth?

Unfortunately, laminating them has ruined their value. If you get offered $20, take it and run.

Sheet of 40 1dollar bills dated 1973 how much would they be worth today?

well i think it would be just 40 dollar's!

How much is an uncut sheet of 2 bills worth?

maybe $10-$50 for 2 depending on the condition if it great condition maybe $50 tops. if in bad shape they will go for either $10 or $20.

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The amount that uncut ruby's are worth varies great depending on several factors. The economy and the size of the ruby should be taken into consideration.

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How much is a uncut diamond that is registered worth?

If the uncut diamond is 'registered' it must have been registered for a reason. Its value may be part of this registration process, or not. Any diamond, cut or uncut, is worth whatever a buyer will pay for it.