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The exact answer to the number of troops needed to defeat an incoming attack of 100,000 archers depends upon quite a few variables. The ideal situation for defense would include the defending city having:

  • level 10 walls, with over 17,000 Archery towers
  • all "my items" (button under the characters picture) under "items" tab that relate to defense being applied
  • level 10 studies in the Academy in Iron Work, Archery, Engineering, Machinery
  • A hero appointed to mayor with a higher "attack" skill point level than the hero leading the incoming attack
  • The "defense" value of each troop in the town being maximum (for instance in the barracks, compare the defense strength of a Cataphract to that of an archer)
  • The Rally Point having the "open gates to fight" option checked so the troops can fight. (If this isn't checked even having 50,000 cataphracts wouldn't help in the fight, they would simply be hiding in the barracks)
  • The embassy having the check-mark in it to allow alliance members to garrison troops there.
  • The embassy level being sufficient to house as many armies as the alliance can send to help.
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Q: How many troops in evony do you need to defeat 100000 archers attacking you?
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How many troops should you keep in evony?

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