There are 3 syllables.
Two syllables. :)
Greater has two syllables. The syllables are great-er.
It has two syllables. Be-hind.
There are two syllables (be-gin)
the word broken has 2 syllables
There are four syllables. Fur-i-ous-ly.
There are 3 syllables. Cal-cu-late.
Frisium has three syllables. It is broken down as Fri - si - um.
There are three syllables like so: an-gri-ly.
The word "flippers" has two syllables. It is broken up as flip-pers.
Boasted has 2 syllables. The word can be broken down into two parts: boast-ed.
Galoshes is broken into syllables like so: ga-losh-es.
I believe 1 but it might be two if its broken up Sc-out
There are 3 syllables. Co-nun-drum.
There are four syllables. Ep-i-der-mis.