There are 3 syllables.
Two syllables. :)
Greater has two syllables. The syllables are great-er.
It has two syllables. Be-hind.
There are two syllables (be-gin)
There are 2 syllables. Type-write.
There are three syllables. Type-writ-ers.
Abscess has two syllables.
"Stereotype" has three syllables: ste-re-o-type.
Type your answer here... There are 3 syllables gra-du-al
Type your answer here... 3
Type your answer here... Three
iambic pentameter
There are 3 syllables in symphony:sym/pho/ny
there are 2 syllables in stomach. To see why, search 'How many syllables in attack?'
There are 14 syllables.