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it all depends on the 10year old on how strong they are and how much energy they have so I'm not sure on that one really so... just wait for some more answers to come in otherwise keep on asking I'm happy to help

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Q: How many pullups can a ten year old do?
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How many pullups should a ten year old do?

16 that is what I think also I am 10 and the most I could do and that should be the same for other kids

1.57 km equals how many meters?

...1570 meters. A ten-year old can answer that, and I know that because I am a ten-year old.

What is the plural form of a ten- year- old?

There isn't a suffix for ten because there is no base/ root word.

What is average age of a 10 year old?

A ten year old is ten years old.

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With Beyblades.

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Depends on your child qualities and the girl quality. Also, many 10-year-olds can have girlfriends or boyfriends.

What is the average weight of a ten month year old infant?

What is a ten month year old infant? Do you mean a ten month old, or a year old infant? For a ten month old it would be between 20 and 22.5 pounds.

How many kids can a 10 year old babysit?

I think a ten year old can babysit as many children they can depending on their responsibility and how many kids they can handle.

How should ten year old boys kiss ten year old girls?

they shouldn't.

What can a ten year old and seven year old do when bored?

Trust me there are many things I have a seven year old bro and I'm ten we always play hide and seek, tag, kickball, soccer and other active games

About how many skin cells does an average ten-year-old have?

10 billion

How many fat should a ten year old take?

A little bit