32 Cups Of Honey
if you want to know how many cups, each 125 gm ( or 4 Oz ) is a cup. So 18 oz is 540 gm, equalling 4.3 cups
Yes. It can be expressed as a fraction of a cup, of a fraction of a bucketful.
It is 0.4
If you are talking about volume in U.S. fluid ounces, 24 fluid ounces would be 3 cups. If you are talking about 24 ounces in weight, honey is heavier than water and 2 cups of honey would measure about 24 ounces in weight. See Related Links for a handy food weight-volume conversion tool
Hummus is dense. -About 15 gm per tablespoon.
One tablespoon is approximately 15 milliliters. Converting to grams depends on what substance you're measuring.
1 tablespoon = 15 gramsANS 2 - There are no more than 10 gm of oregano in a tablespoon.
One cup is 250 gm. 125 gm honey is 1/2 a cup.
2/3 tablespoon of salt is approximately 10 gm
One tablespoon is 15 gm. An ounce is 28.34 gm, so 2 tablespoons in an ounce yoghurt.
2 tbsp 1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoon 1 teaspoon = 0.33 tablespoon
One tablespoon is 15 gm. So 1 tbsp is 1/2 an ounce of goat cheese.
Honey is really good for acne. Here are some of the honey mixture for treating acne: 1. Combine 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 drops of tea tree oil. Spread over your face then rinse after 15 minutes. 2. Combine 2 tablespoon of honey and 1 lemon juice. Spread over your face then rinse after 20 minutes.
There are about 3 teaspoons in half an ounce of honey.
How many capsules of Metamucil equals one tablespoon of the powder -- or vice versa.
1 tablespoon is 15 ml. -SO 26 gm is 1.75 tablespoons ( or 1 and 3/4)