There are 365.25 days in 12 months. So there are 365.25/12,*3 or 91.3125 days in 3 months
3yrs, 3months and 10 days
51 months
1/4 of a year is=91 days=3months=April 1st
3months and eight days and is sunday 7 april making it 100days
88 years 3months, 16 days old as of May 22, 2010.
3months - 2 years
10 to 15 days is wrong i have had one in my room for at least 3months i wanted to see how long it lives
A year I think, to grow to it's eatable size
Usually no more then a week, but to be completely sure I would say 2 weeks.
you can resume wearing heels 3months after a bunionectomy you can resume wearing heels 3months after a bunionectomy
The late Reverend Phinehas Robinson died after 94 years, 3months, and 12 days. He was a notable poet, teacher, and minister. He died on October 16, 1848.