450 grams of water is 2 cups
About 1.368 cups
0.? cups
Two hundred (200) grams is equal to almost one cup. To be exact, there are .8 cups in 200 grams.
300 grams of plain white flour is 2.42 cups.300 grams of plain white flour is 2.42 cups.
There are approximately 1.5 cups of caster sugar in 300 grams.
2 cups
How do you convert 300 grams into cups
That is 1.323 cups.
That is about 1 .2. cups.
300 grams of flour would be about 1 cup.
300 gm of buttermilk is 1 -1/5 cups
300 grams of water is 1.323 cups300 grams of water is 1.323 cups
250 grams is one official cup. 300 grams is 1.2 such cups.
300 grams of flour would be about 1 cup.
Grams are weight measurements. Cups are volume measurements. There are 236.6 ml in a cup. --------------------------------- You need to know what you are measuring: 300 grams of flour are about 2 1/3 cups 300 grams sugar are about 1 5/8 cup 300 grams of water are 1 1/4 cup if you can, weigh the ingredients.