1 dollar is equal to 77 Japanese Yen.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! It's like comparing different colors on your palette. Currently, about 1 US dollar is equal to around 100 Japanese yen. So, if you have 100 yen, you have about 1 dollar. Just remember, every currency is like a unique brushstroke on the canvas of our world.
Japanese don't use Pesos, they use Yen. The conversion depends on the exchange rate on the given day. Today (9 Jun 09) the exchange rate is approximately 97 Yen to 1 USD. Today I went to the store and bought a 500ml Coke for 147 Yen.
1 Japanese Yen = 0.01050 US $ 1 Yen = 1 cent US$
1 U.S. dollar = 82.1692687 Japanese yen
1 pennie=1 yen
USD anf JPY are the ISO 4217 codes for US Dollars and Japanese Yen. USDJPY stands for the exchange rate of 1 US Dollar is to how many Japanese Yen, often referred to as "dollar yen"
1 US dollar = 79.4300 Japanese yen
50 Japanese Yen = 48.32 US cents or 0.3042 euro 50 Indian Rupees = 1 euro = 1 Japanese yen =
There is 102350500.0000 yen in 1 million US dollars. Yen is the Japanese currency and there is 102.3505 yen for every US dollar.
84.2400 Japanese yen are in 1 us dollar
17640 Japanese Yen = 224.39 US dollars and 1 Yen= 0.0127 US dollar
1 US dollar is equal to 101.42 of Japanese Yen. 1 US dollar is also equal to 0.73 Euros.
The exchange rate fluctuates, but as of July 2021, 1 US dollar is equivalent to about 110 Japanese yen. So, with 15 US dollars, you would get approximately 1650 Japanese yen.
As of 30th June 2009, $1 = 96.41 Japanese Yen