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My guess is that you would need approximately 650 bricks. The math is as follows: 6 feet (72 inches) by 24 feet (288 inches) equals a total area of 20,736 inches. If your brick area is 4 x 8 inches (32 inches) you would need 648 bricks.

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Q: How many 4-inches by 8-ince bricks are needed to build a walk 6 ft wide and 24 feet long?
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How many 4inches by 8inch bricks are needed to build a wall 6ft wide and 24feet long?


How many 4inches by 8inch bricks are needed to build a walk 6ftwide and 24ftlong?

648 Because: There are 12 inches in 1 foot. So 1ft wide is 3 bricks (12/4=3) and 1 ft long is 1.5 bricks (12/8 = 1.5). So 6ft x 3 = 18 bricks, 24ft x 1.5 = 36 bricks. To get the area: 36 bricks x 18 bricks = 648 Bricks.

How many 4-inch by 8-inch bricks are needed to build a 6feet wide and 24 feet long?

648 bricks to build the walk

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How many 4-inch bricks by 8 inch bricks are needed to build a walk 6 feet wide and 24 feet long?


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How many 4 inch by 8 inch bricks are needed to build a walk 6 feet wide and 24 feet high?

the answer to this question is 648 Bricks.

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no.of bricks =144 x12x144 X12 /(4x8) =93312

How many 4 inch by 8 inch bricks are needed to build a walk 6 feet wide and24 feet long?

There is no information on the heights of either the bricks or the wall!

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