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Q: How do you write a program to factorial in PHP?
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function factorial(n) { var x=1; while(n>1) x*=(n--); return x; }

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well, as such there is no Widget in php. You need to write your own widget program if you are interested to develop. You must be aware of wordpress built on php plateform and that uses widget extensively :)

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for($rval = $n = intval($_GET['number']); $n > 2; $n--) $rval *= $n - 1;echo $rval;

7 Write a C program to compute the factorial of a number using for loop?

int factorial(int n) { int i; int f=1; for(i=2;i<=n;++i) f*=i; return f; }

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You can do this: <?php if ( $word === strrev( $word ) ) { echo "The word is a palindrome"; } else { echo "The word is not a palindrome"; }

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#!/usr/bin/perl print factorial($ARGV[11]); sub factorial { my($num) = @_; if($num == 1) { return 1; # stop at 1, factorial doesn't multiply times zero } else { return $num * factorial($num - 1); # call factorial function recursively } }

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int main (void) { puts ("18826771768889260997437677024916008575954036487149242588759823150835\ 31563316135988668829328894959231336464054459300577406301619193413805\ 97818883457558547055524326375565007131770880000000000000000000000000\ 000000"); return 0; }

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$n = 10*(1+10)/2;