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Generally, you can just play Transformice pretty much for the most of the day. Also, there are certain events on certain dates, like Halloween. You can earn bonus cheese, and it'll increase the total number of cheese you have. Hope this helps!

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Q: How do you get 5000 cheese on transformice?
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How do you get 5000 cheese on transformice instantly?

Just type in the chat: /Stop hacking Then you'll get 5000 cheese in 5000 years. Hope this worked ^_^

What are some transformice accounts?

Accounts can be pro or noob(y). Ideal account is 5000 firsts on 20000 cheese. The more firsts you gather, the proer you are.

How do you get the title cheese knight in transformice?

Gather 2,300 cheese.

How can you get free cheese on transformice?

To get 20 free cheese, type /facebook.

How much cheese do you need to collect to get the title the reaper in transformice?

1800 cheese.

What is acheat for one hundred cheese on transformice?

There is no such cheat.

How do you get the title its over 9000 in transformice?

Get 9001 cheese.

How Do you get more cheese in transformice an online game?

One way to get more cheese is to type into the facebook chat bar which will bring you to the Transformice Facebook page and give you 20 cheeses.

How do you get the title princess of transformice on transformice?

You need to gather 38, 000 cheese. For a list of all the titles you can check out ^^

How do you give other people cheese in transformice?

Sadly, you are not able to give other members cheese.

How do you get the skull mask on transformice?

When you are playing Transformice, click the 'Menu' button, then the 'Shop' button. But if you do not have enough cheese to buy it, it will say in the Chatbox (in the bottom left corner) 'You do not have enough cheese for this item' (or something). Hope this helps.

How do you get free chesse in transformice?

You can get 60 free cheese by doing the following: 1. Validating your email, you will recieve 40 cheese and an earing. 2. type: "/facebook" in the chat box. This will open up the facebook page for Transformice. By doing this, you will recieve 20 cheese.