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Q: How do you determine a bodys frame size?
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How To determine your body frame size?

To determine your body frame size, measure the size of your wrist. Large boned people will have a larger circumference wrist than a small boned person. Once you determine your bone structure, you should take that into consideration when determining your ideal weight.

How do you determine what size body frame a woman has?

If you use your fingers around the wrist and see if the fingers touch, the person has regular body frame size. If the fingers overlap, the fame is small. If the fingers do not meet, the frame is large.

Determine min frame size by collision detection interval?

The network doesn't need to see an entire frame before determining a collision has occured; as soon as it detects a transmission after or during the process of sending a frame there is a collision. Theoretically then it could be a part of a frame as small as a byte.

What information is not included in a Ethernet frame?

Frame Size

Is the Winchester 1885 serial 18642 a low wall or a high wall?

The serial number does not determine if it is a high-wall or a low-wall. The caliber, barrel size & length, and the style of the receiver frame determine the answer to your question.

Will 2 twin size mattresses fit a queen size bed frame?

No. Two twin size mattress will fit a king size bed frame.

Will a twin size mattress fit a queen bed frame?

No. Two twin size mattress will fit a king size bed frame.

Where can you get a bed frame for queen size but the bed frame is a standard size?

There are lots of furniture stores which would be happy to sell you any size bed frame that you want.

I am trying to determine what the proper tire size is for a 1989 Allegro 21 mini motohome?

Check the tires on the Vehicle or in the owners handbook or on the ID plate on the Door Frame

What factor determine how fast a butterfly is moving?

its frame of reference

What size picture frame is most commonly purchased?

The most common picture frame size would be the 8x10.

What is the frame size of a smith and Wesson model 66?

The frame size of a Smith and Wesson model 66 is K.