'*** PROGRAM: Collecting student data: names/marks.
'*** Create 2 array variables to store each students name/marks...
DIM students$(10), marks$(10)
'*** SCREEN ONE/Collect the data...
CLS '...(CL)ear the Output (S)creen
'*** print heading...
PRINT "PROGRAM: Collecting each student names/marks..."
'*** A FOR/NEXT loop is used to collect each individual students data...
FOR eachStudentNo% = 1 TO 10
'*** Get each students names/marks
'by typing these values in from the keyboard....
PRINT eachStudentNo%; ">"
INPUT " Enter student name"; students$(eachStudentNo%)
INPUT "Enter student marks"; marks$(eachStudentNo%)
'*** SCREEN TWO: Output the collected data...
CLS '...(CL)ear the Output (S)creen
'*** Print headings...
PRINT "Student No.", "Student Name", "Student Marks"
'*** FOR/NEXT loop is used to print out the 2 array student 'name/marks' values...
FOR eachStudentNo% = 1 TO 10
'*** print out each students 'number/name/mark' values...
PRINT eachStudentNo%,
PRINT students$(eachStudentNo%),
PRINT marks$(eachStudentNo%)
END '...END of program/halt program code execution
-- Think of a name for the sum, like 'S'.-- Tell qbasic what 'S' is the sum of.S = 41 + 61 + 2 + 84 + 136-- If you want to see it on the screen, thenPRINT Sand the sum pops up. It looks like this on the screen:324
QBASIC code/Editor Screen (Press key [F5] to make the program RUN/execute...) ==== (Pressing any key returns you straight back to the Editor screen; where you can either chose to further Edit/Re-Run/or else, Save your program.) Here is another example. CLS COLOR 15, 4, 14 PRINT "Press any key to continue" DO WHILE INKEY$ = "" LOOP FOR c = 1 TO 20 COLOR c, 0 PRINT "Replace this with the name you want to display" NEXT c COLOR 15, 0 END
BASIC is an acronym which means... (B)eginner's (A)ll-purpose (S)ymbollic (I)nstruction (C)ode As a part of the name already implies: (A)ll-purpose/QBASIC is a 'general purpose' programming language; which may be used to write all different sorts of programs, including... -games -noughts & crosses/tic tac toe -databases -maths -english -random poetry -guess the number -random graphics -musical notes -etc. This is in direct comparison to certain other programming languages which were designed to do only one main task alone; such as... FORTRAN/main purpose: Science/Maths COBOL/main purpose: Business LOGO/main purpose: Graphics HTML/main purpose: Write/present web pages -etc.
Yes, there is, but it has no name, for grahams number was and is still the largest number with a name. To make a number larger than grahams number, you just need to make grahams number 1, but it would not have a name because it is not official, and if you try to write it down, you could not, because all matter in the universe transformed into pen ink could not write it down. And if you tried to type it, your computer or whatever you where typing it on would fail.
create table "table-name" -> exclude the quotes when creating the tableafter this a message will come : table created(row_name data type(limit of characters),... )for example(name varchar2(20)).This will make a column(attribute) in your table with the name "name" and data type varchar with character limit of 20.you can further add more attributes in the same manner.to insert values in the table you need this:insert into "table name" values(123,qwew,wsd,2342)the data in the brackets above depends on the attributes of your table.and now you have created a simple table.you can update, delete, alter, drop the table.
Here are some examples of opening remarks: Good afternoon everyone and also to THE PRESIDENT, PRINCIPAL and to all teachers and staffs, welcome to makabayan showcase event. My name is YOUR NAME, and I am the YOUR POSITION. It is my great honor to welcome you to today's event. It is my great pleasure and honor to make opening remarks at this very exciting day….
QBasic is a type of question basic 🤗🤗🤗🤗😅😂🤣😁😛
-- Think of a name for the sum, like 'S'.-- Tell qbasic what 'S' is the sum of.S = 41 + 61 + 2 + 84 + 136-- If you want to see it on the screen, thenPRINT Sand the sum pops up. It looks like this on the screen:324
PRINT "What is your name ?" INPUT NAM$ CLS FOR N = 1 TO 10 PRINT NAM$ NEXT N
QBASIC GRAPHICS There any many different things you can draw in QBASIC; ranging from... -dots -lines -rectangles -circles -shapes empty/or, filled in(painted) -you can even do LOGO style programming to draw graphics with; by joining up connected lines -animations are possible, too ==== QBASIC BUILT-IN HELP FILE + CODE EXAMPLES In order to view the QBASIC built-in Help file...; first, load the QBASIC program itself...; and, then, do a combination key press of: [SHIFT] + [F1] Use the built-in QBASIC Help file to learn more about how to use these 'graphic related' commands, and, more...! The QBASIC Help file also contains plenty of 'example codes'; which you can just use 'copy & paste'; then, RUN...to see what the output effect will be...???
cls input "enter a name"; a$ b=1 while b <=1 print a$ b = b+1 wend end
IF THE QBASIC IDE/INTEGRATED DEVELOPEMENT ENVIRONMENT *IS* ALREADY OPEN Inside of QBASIC IDE/Integrated Development Environment...; you load in QBASIC programs as follows... 1. Use your mouse to click the QBASIC Menu option being seen top right... File > Open ...then, browse through the file list box to load your chosen program file. 2. Alternatively, you can also use keyboard short cut... [ALT]+[F], this opens up the file menu...then, press [O] ...does exactly the same as above IF THE QBASIC IDE/INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT IS *NOT* ALREADY OPEN 3. Another way is to open up a command line window prompt: (>)... Click [Start] button ...then, type: Command .../or, type: Cmd ...at least, one of the above should work... ...and, run the QBASIC program from there... by typing in after the command line prompt: (>)... c:\> cd, means, change directory folder... cd C:\pathToQbasic For example the file path name to where my version of QBASIC is stored here... c:\basic\qb64 So, I would first change to this folder directory by typing in after the prompt: (>)... c:\>cd c:\basic\qb64 ...this changes my command line prompt: (>) to say... c:\basic\qb64> Inside of the [qb64] folder directory, I wrote a very simple program called: hw.bas ...which contains the following single line of code... PRINT "Hello, world!" I can launch both the QBASIC program: [qb64.exe]/and, at the same time load in my chosen program file: [hw.bas], by typing after the command line prompt: (>)... C:\Basic\qb64>qb64 hw.bas ...the QBASIC program instantly loads: [qb64.exe]/with the program file [hw.bas] already being displayed inside of the Editor Screen. Next, I only need to press function key [F5] to RUN/make that program file execute... QBASIC Output Screen... Hello, world! Press any key to continue...
...QBASIC program code... name$="Jack" startCharPos%=2 howManyChars%=2 PRINT MID$(name$,startCharPos%,howManyChars%) ...output... ac EXPLANATION The MID$() function allows you to select characters from out of a string. In the above case the string is,... name$="Jack" ...where... J= string position 1 a= string position 2 c= string position 3 k= string position 4 ...thus, if we select MID$(name$,2,2)... ...this code is actually saying...select from the name...the character which begins at position 2 = a/and, extract 2 characters going along from there... = ac.
QBASIC code/Editor Screen (Press key [F5] to make the program RUN/execute...) ==== (Pressing any key returns you straight back to the Editor screen; where you can either chose to further Edit/Re-Run/or else, Save your program.) Here is another example. CLS COLOR 15, 4, 14 PRINT "Press any key to continue" DO WHILE INKEY$ = "" LOOP FOR c = 1 TO 20 COLOR c, 0 PRINT "Replace this with the name you want to display" NEXT c COLOR 15, 0 END
REM A equals 5 END Print all let equals 7? ...when you RUN the above QBASIC program by pressing function key [F5]; then, the Output Screen will display the following... Press any key to continue... In other words, a totally 'blank screen' will be shown; followed by the usual 'Press any key to continue...' message; pressing any key will return you straight back to the Editor Screen; where you can continue writing code. Also, see FOOTNOTE(2) below. ==== FOOTNOTE(2): CONCERNING THIS PARTICULAR LINE OF QBASIC CODE REM A equals 5 END Print all let equals 7? Even if we were take away the REM statement from this line of code; in order to make that code executable. We would get nothing but ERROR MESSAGES! Because this is NOT correct QBASIC code! A equals 5 ...is wrong! There is no 'equals' statement in QBASIC; instead, the line should have said... A=5 ...where = is the assignment symbol/read the = sign as saying 'becomes the value of'...so, A becomes the value of 5. END ...is correct QBASIC code; but, that would also mean the program ends here. So, whatever lines following this END statement would NOT get executed! Print all ...is more nonsense; first PRINT which is a valid QBASIC statement; should have been written using all capital letters. Second, QBASIC code doesn't have an 'all' statement. Unless you were using 'all' as a variable name; in which case the output would simply show as, nil; that is, if you haven't already assiged the 'all' variable name a value. So, if all is an unintialised variable name then the value printed out would be.... 0 let equals 7 ...more nonsense, again, I'm afraid! LET, written using capital letters, is a correct QBASIC statement; but, it's meant to be followed by a variable name; and, in this case there's none; unless 'equals' is meant to be a variable name. Then, the code should have been written as... LET equals = 7 Even when I've gone and corrected the code to say the following... A=5 END PRINT all LET equals = 7 ...still doesn't make any sense?! The program would silently execute the first line; then, immediately, stop...when it gets to reach the second line END statement; there would be no output being shown at all; only a blank screen. Plus, all other lines of code...after the END statement...would be completely ignored. Frankly, I don't understand this line of code at all?! I think, it's written out entirely wrong; probably, that's exactly why it's been deliberately commented out using REM.
The conclusion of a speech is typically referred to as the "closing remarks" or "summary." It is where the speaker summarizes key points, reiterates the main message, and leaves a lasting impression on the audience.
A sample of closing remarks for a speech at a graduation ceremony is: In closing, we have had a wonderful four years full of learning, fun, and good times. We have made many great memories and will look back on them fondly. Now, it is time to move on to another chapter in our lives. Though our routes may be different, our high school years have prepared us. For that, we thank our teachers, the staff, and of course, our principal (name). Similar remarks could be used to close almost any speech.