

How can you debug jsp pages?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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15y ago

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There is an IDE called WSAD - Websphere Studio Application Developer. It has inbuilt tools to debug everything (servlets & jsps inclusive)

I have heard from my friends that Eclipse too has some plugins that can help us debug jsps. The MyEclipse plugin for Eclipse also has tools for debugging Servlets and JSPs. Debugging a JSP in MyEclipse is a little tricky sometimes, depending upon the Java Application Server you are using. In theory, it should not be too difficult to debug a JSP as when it is compiled, it is compiled into a Servlet anyway.

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What does jsp mean?

jsp means Java Server Pages.

How you can display servlet page in jsp page?

You cannot. You display JSP Pages using the help of Servlets. Servlets are of the background classes and you cannot display them

What is the difference between JSTL and JSP?

The Difference between JSTL and JSP is that, JSP lets the person add embedded Java code into HTML pages. Also JSP allows the person to define their own tags. JSTL is just a standard tag library provided by Sun to carry out common tasks.

What is the use of jsp?

JSP stands for Java Server Pages. It is the face of any web application. I.e., the stuff you see on a web page can be JSP contents. The JSP uses the features of both Java and HTML to display dynamic contents on a web page. It interacts with Servlets in a MVC architecture to provide the power to display dynamic and advanced data on any given web page.

What is the difference between ASP and JSP?

ASP stands for "Active Server Pages"JSP stands for "Java Server Pages"asp(classic) is interpreted, which means the code has to be read each time a page is called. jsp is compiled into java classes which makes for a much faster page generation.Classic asp(not the new .NET) has to rely on Active X, COM or other Microsoft technologies to really enhance functionality of the code. jsp can bring in every java capability.Handling email in asprequires external components such as CDONTS or aspMail and was tricky to implement. JavaMail for jsp was a 10 minute download and was much easier to use.

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Why can you make HTML and jsp pages?

You can make HTML pages and JSP pages for web attractiveness. JSP pages offer additions features to it.

What is acronym of jsp?

JSP stands for Java Server Pages

What is full from JSP?

JSP stands for Java Server Pages

What does jsp mean?

jsp means Java Server Pages.

What is the Expansion for JSP?

JSP stands for Java Server Pages. They are used in Java Enterprise applications that are created to be used on web pages. The JSP page acts as the user interface for the enterprise application.

What is the fullform of JSP?

JavaServer Pages (JSP) is a Java technology that helps software developers serve dynamically generated web pages based on HTML, XML.

What are the JSP atrributes?

java server pages (jsp) are used for scripting on java side with the help a server .

What is the difference between JS and JSP?

JS stands for JavaScript whereas JSP stands for Java Server Pages. JS is a scripting language that can be used in HTML and other Web related UI pages whereas JSP is a full fledged technology which is used to build complex and powerful UI web pages. JSP has support for JS too.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of JSP?

Advantages of JSP 1. HTML friendly simple and easy language and tags. 2. Supports Java Code. 3. Supports standard Web site development tools. Disadvantages of JSP 1. As JSP pages are translated to servlets and compiled, it is difficult to trace errors occurred in JSP pages. 2. JSP pages require double the disk space to hold the JSP page. 3. JSP pages require more time when accessed for the first time as they are to be compiled on the server.

How do you run jsp page in eclipse?

As far as i know, you can't. Jsp pages is to be ran from server, preferably GlassFish.

How jsp used in mvc model?

MVC refers to Model View Controller architecture. Jsp pages are the view part of the MVC architecture...

How you can display servlet page in jsp page?

You cannot. You display JSP Pages using the help of Servlets. Servlets are of the background classes and you cannot display them