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If you took a pregnancy test and it was negative 9 days after your expected period, it is unlikely that you are pregnant since the tests are pretty good nowaday. Menstrual cycles may vary somewhat, and if you have experienced light periods or variance in the timing, that's probably normal for you. You might want to wait a few days and take another test or go to a clinic for a test.

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Q: Could you be pregnant if you get your period 9days after your period day expected i was supposed to get on the 11th took a pregnancy test came out negative got my period put its very light?
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If it is digital you are not supposed to read the lines, only the "pregnant" or "not pregnant." If it is a regular one, it means you are not pregnant or the test was not done correctly.

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A week after having sex is too soon to take a test. Although the test says you can use it 4 days before a period is due, it will be more accurate (and cheaper) if you wait until your period is late.

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No. If your period doesn't arrive, then take a test

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pregnancy is not supposed to hurt. A pregnancy in the fallopian tube is very painful and a life threatening emergency. Go to ER to be evaluated. Joymaker RN

Can you take a pregnancy test early if you getting pregnancy sypmtons early?

1. even the most advanced test only works, at most, 5 days before you're supposed to get your period. if you take one earlier than you're supposed to, it will come out negative no matter what. 2. most women don't get the "symptoms" until many weeks into pregnancy, i.e. long after they've determined they are pregnant, so if you're having "symptoms" you might just be sick from something else or they're psychosomatic.