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It could. Depending on the thinner that is used, it's always best to follow the instructions on the label and always test it in an inconspicuous area of the material first.

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Q: Will paint thinner damage leather
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Can oil based paint be removed from leather gloves?

Yes, just rub it with the thinner for that paint, when it softens ,hand wash in warm water.

Is paint thinner a colloid?

paint thinner is basically paint thinner

Why vehicles cant run on thinner as a fuel?

First off paint thinner is way to expensive and secondly it would do serious damage to the engine.

How do you remove oil based paint from a ceramic floor tile?

Paint thinner will take off the oil based paint, but first test it in a corner to ensure it will not damage the face. Glazed tile shouldn't be damaged from paint thinner, but you would want to be sure.

What will happen if you drink paint thinner?

Drinking paint thinner can be extremely harmful and toxic to your body. It can lead to serious health problems such as damage to your digestive system, respiratory issues, organ damage, and in severe cases, can be fatal. It is important to seek immediate medical help if you or someone else has ingested paint thinner.

Does linseed oil damage paint?

Linseed oil does not damage paint. Linseed oil is used along with turpentine in oil paints as a type of paint thinner. Linseed oil extends the life of oil paint, makes it easier to thin out, control the paint and paint layers.

Will paint thinner hurt a car finish?

The thinner, if used too much, could affect the finish of the paint sprayed on the car - maybe looking matt rather than gloss. It is best to follow the paint manufacturer's instructions - especially if the car you are spraying is for a customer, not yours!

Can you use paint thinner to remove paint from wood trim?

Yes you can use paint thinner to remove the paint on the wood. 2nd Answer: No, paint thinner will not remove paint from anything. Most paint is now water-based, anyway. Paint thinner does just what the names says: It thins oil based paint if the paint is too thick for some reason.

Why does the oil based paint dissolve in paint thinner but not in water?

Because paint thinner is also oil based and water is not.

Can you use gas with tremclad paint as a thinner?

No, it won't work. Use regular paint thinner.

What is the use of paint tinner?

You must be referring to 'paint thinner' -it's used to make the paint thinner, strange as that may sound.

Can you paint leather with normal fabric paint?

No. No you can't. Leather is naturally brown.