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sounds like your break rotors could be warped.

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Q: Why car shakes when step on break?
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I have a 04 Mercedes C230 Kompressor Sport Sedan When I step on my brake my car shakes especially when I'm in sport mode And also the brakes sometimes squeaks too when I step on them?

If the car shakes when you press on the brakes, you probably have warpped brake rotors, and the squeak is probably some worn out front brake pads. I would have your rotors checked and either replaced (which Mercedes highly recommends or re-surfaced)

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If your car shakes while underway, your tires have worn incorrectly from misalignment. If it shakes while in park or not moving, your engine is misfiring.

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If a car shakes during acceleration the brake rotors may be damaged. If the rotors are damaged they will be unstable as the tires rotates making the whole car shake.

Car shakes and loses power when idling?

If a car shakes and loses power when idling it can be the spark plug. If a spark plug is fouling, it can cause power losses.

Why do your car shakes while in park?

Engine miss.