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Q: Where servo motor located?
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What you mean by servo in servo motor?

The servo motor is a type of motor which acts according to the command of the user. which serves the purpose of the user. therefore it is called as "servo" motor

Is it possible to control an electric motor with a servo or servo connector?


Is a stepper motor with feedback loop a servo motor?

No, stepper and servo motor are by mechanical design two different types of motors.

What is hydraulic ram servo?

A hydraulic piston is also known as a servo or a motor.

What is the application of servo motor?

Servo motors are used for precision motion control application.

What is a continuous servo?

A modified servo motor allowed to spin around with an unlimited range.

What type of motor is used for a robot arm joint?

servo motor

Where is the servo motor for the four wheel drive on a 1997 ford expedition?

The electric shift motor is located on the rear of the transfer case. Attached by 4 bolts and a wiring harness.

Where can one find information on how to repair a Servo motor?

One can find information on how to repair a Servo motor online. Sites you can use are Hellfreak, Tigertek, or Control. You can also contact businesses that specialize in repairing Servo motors.

Where to get servo motor in Dubai?

See the related link.

What is the function of a servo motor?

A servo motor is an electric motor with a built in rotation sensor, they are needed for robotics. Say a robot moves its arm by turning a servo motor, the motor would send information concerning the degree of rotation on its axis back to the robot so the robot can keep tabs on the position of its arm, so if something bumps its arm it will know it and so-on.

Does the servo motor contain the servo?

A "servo motor" and a "servo" are the same thing. Servos are constructed from three basic pieces; a motor, a potentiometer (variable resister) that is connected to the output shaft, and a control board. The potentiometer allows the control circuitry to monitor the current angle of the servo motor. The motor, through a series of gears, turns the output shaft and the potentiometer simultaneously. The potentiometer is fed into the servo control circuit and when the control circuit detects that the position is correct, it stops the motor. If the control circuit detects that the angle is not correct, it will turn the motor the correct direction until the angle is correct. Normally a servo is used to control an angular motion of between 0 and 180 degrees. It is not mechanically capable (unless modified) of turning any farther due to the mechanical stop build on to the main output gear.