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Where it can be easily seen by the operator and as far away from any magnetic materials or strong electrical currents as possible

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Q: Where does a boat compass get mounted?
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Related questions

Where should the boat compass be mounted?

Where the person on the tiller can see it.

What instrument measures a boat's heading?

A magnetic compass can measure a boat's heading, or the direction it is moving.A compass

How do you get the boat on My Sims Kingdom?

fix his compass

How could a compass help you if you were in a boat on the ocean?


What navigational instrument is used to determine a ship's position at sea?

A compass and a map of the world.

What is the part of the boat with the wheel and compass?

That is known as 'The helm'

How do you reset a mirror mounted digital compass by Bell?

To reset a Bell mirror-mounted digital compass, you can usually press and hold a specific button on the device for a few seconds until the display resets. Refer to the user manual of your specific model for detailed instructions on how to reset the digital compass.

How could a compass help you if you were lost at sea in a life boat?

you can look at the compass and it will tell you where to go or if you have a special compass it will track down your tracks and you can follow it back

Will a compass work on an aluminum boat?

Yes, a compass will work on an aluminum boat as long as there are no strong magnetic interferences nearby that could affect its accuracy. Aluminum itself does not interfere with the function of a compass.

What side is gunwales located on the boat?

A "gunwale" is the upper edge of the side of a boat (any side). The name derives form the time when cannon were mounted on boats and the "gunwales" were where these cannon were mounted.

When are a boat and motor considered one item instead of two separate items in the eyes of the law?

When, in the case of an outboard engine for instance, it was mounted on the transom and actually attached to the boat in a manner in which to propel the boat. If the engine was still on the dock and not mounted on the boat they would be two separate and distinct items.

Are there magnets in boats?

It is pretty common to have a compass on a boat - it contains a magnet. Also, there are magnets to be found in boat engines, it it's motorized.