

Best Answer

18 inches

I believe in the UK it shouid be closer than 18 inches.

Correct, I worked in law enforcement in Australia and we took our road laws from U.K. It was 10 inches maximum in both countries until the late 70's when 'as close as practicable and parallel to the kerbing..' was substituted. Generally parking must be to the passenger (left) side excepting on a One Way street where either side can be used. In U.K. both side of a Two Way can be used during daylight hours. Signs are sometimes posted allowing for angled parking (45 or 80 degrees to the relevant kerbing.)

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Q: When you park alongside a curb on a level street the front and back wheels must be parallel and within inches of the curb?
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How far do you park away from curb?

From the Calfornia DMV web page on parking: When you park alongside a curb on a level street, the front and back wheels must be parallel and within 18 inches of the curb. Park parallel to the street if there is no curb.

When you are parked alongside a curb the front and back wheels must be parallel and within how far of the curb?

Apparently it's 18 inches in most places.

When you park alongside a curb the front and back wheels must be parallel and within how many inches of the curb?

The standard rule for this is 12 inches (1 foot), although that varies from city to city. 18 inches for state of California

How many inches the front and back wheels must be parallel within of the curb When you park alongside a curb?

The standard rule for this is 12 inches (1 foot), although that varies from city to city. 18 inches for state of California

When parallel parking how far should your wheels be from the curb?

18 inches

When parking alongside a curb the front and back wheels must be within how many inches of the curb?

Usually 12 inches or less.

How far from the curb do you park in CA?

Answer:According to the California Department of Motor Vehicles California Driver Handbook, 2009:When you park alongside a curb on a level street, the front and back wheels must be parallel and within 18 inches of the curb. Park parallel to the street if there is no curb.**[CA DMV Handbook for 2009, page 53, Section: Special Parking Rules]Therefore, your wheels--both front and back--must be less than 18 inches from the curb.This 18 inch requirement is a fairly standard distance in most states, but you would have to check with that states DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) Driver Handbook to verify this distance.

When parked parallel your curbside wheels must be no more than how many inches from the curb?

18 inches/30cm from curb. Front wheels turned toward the curb or passenger side edge when facing down hill or front wheels pointed toward street if facing up hill with a curb, toward the edge if no curb.

When parked parallel your curbside wheels must be no more than how many inches from the curb in pa?

18 inches

When you park alongside a curb the front and back wheels must be paralle lwithin how many inches of the curb?


When parallel it is best to leave the curb side wheels?

6 to 18 inches from the curb

In California when parked parallel your curbside wheels must be no more than how many inches from the curb?

12 inches in WI