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You should always be looking behind you when backing up. You don't look forward when reversing because you're not moving in a forward direction.

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Q: When should you check behind your car when backing up?
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When backing up it is best to .?

check behind the car before getting in

What is an effective way to avoid backing-up tragedies in a car?

Walk behind for a visual check

When should you avoid backing up your car?

When there is something behind you that you don't want to hit, or that you don't want to fall over.

When backing up in a car What is the best thing to do?

Look behind you and BEEP the horn.

When backing up your car you should?


Car 1 is backing out of driveway Car 2 is in front of Car 1 on driveway partially enters road and then stops Car 2 driver gets out to check mail box and Car 1 rear-ends Car 2 Who's at Fault?

Car 1 is at fault - the driver should have checked that the road was clear before backing back and should have continued to check that the way was clear while reversing. Definitly car 1

When a car drives out of a parking space and another car hits the back of that car whose fault is it?

it is both of their faults because the person who was backing up should have look more carefully and the the other car should check where they are going

If a car is backing into a parking space and collides with the car that behind it that is motionless and has nowhere to go who is at fault?

The car that is in motion is ALWAYS at fault.

If you were backing out of a parking spot in Washington state and suddenly seen a car approaching from behind you stopped but were hit from behind by the other car who's at fault?

Hard to say. Possibly equal fault by both parties but most likely the person backing out.

Who is at fault when you are backing out and a car pulls up behind you after you have looked?

it is ALWAYS the fault of the backing driver. They bear the responsibility to make sure they can back with safety.

Why should you check your rearview mirror before you brake to a stop?

You should check to see if another car is following close behind you. If you stop unexpectedly, the other car might crash into you.

Who is at fault when a car is hit from behind?

If you are hit from behind it is usually always the guy that hit you that is at fault unless you were in reverse backing up