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Warped brake rotors/drums.

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Q: When putting on the brakes to slow down from a high speed the car shakes what can cause this problem?
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What would warped brake rotors cause a car to do?

In general, warped brake rotors will cause a vehicle to shake when the brakes are applied. If the problem is severe, it will also have some impact on the ability of the driver to control the car when braking. If a car shudders or shakes when the brakes are applied but is otherwise smooth when driven, the brakes are a most logical cause. Use the link to the related question below to help you decide what to do if you suspect a warped brake rotor.

My car shakes when hitting the brakes but it isn't the brake pads or rotors what else could it be?

worn front end parts (steering or suspension) could cause a car to shake when appling the brakes.

Van shakes when braking?

Vibration when applying brakes is most likely warped rotors. Another cause could be loose caliper bolts.

Your 1995 Dodge Ram 1500 shakes when you turn the steering wheel or when brakes are applied what could cause this it's a 2wd.?

is this 4 wheel drive

Car shakes when you accelerate hard what could be the problem?

If it only happens when you accelerate the most likely cause is an axle.

What can cause a Chrysler Concorde to shake at low speeds?

Tires,inner tie rod bushings, if the steering wheel shakes when brakes are applied - brake rotors warped.

Why does a rear view mirror shakes while car is in motion?

possibly loose?? or engine runnability problem. Alos drivetrain vibration or wheel balance problem will cause it

You hit a curb and now your car shakes when you drive What is wrong?

Bent rim. If you rotate it to the rear it may eliminate problem. Have the wheels inspected and replace a bent one. Putting it on the rear will cause your rear axle bearings to wear out. Do not mount a bent wheel on your car, replace it.

What would cause a Mazda 6 brakes to squeak?

If the brakes on a Mazda 6 are squeaking, it could be indicative of a problem. The brake pads could be incorrectly set.

The front end of 1995 Toyota tocoma 4wd is shaking Tires rotated and good brakes Starts at 65 mph and get worse as you try to slow down?

If it shakes only when the brakes are applied, its the brakes. Just because they are "good" and stop the truck well doesn't mean they are balanced and wont cause a vibration.

What can cause vibrations on a truck at high speeds?

I had a similar problem once and it had something to do with my brakes, I'd get them checked if i were you

Can problem with ABS cause vehicle not to accelerate?

Sure if your calipers aren't open enough and your brakes stick