Ramadan for this year is already over. It began on August 22 and ended on September 20.
Ramadan starts August 20 2009 till September 18 2009
20th August 2012
Saturday - 23 August 2009 was the First Ramadan in Saudi Arabia
Ramadan is the 9th month name in the 12 month of the lunar year (that is called Hijra year). This lunar year is less than the solar year by some 12 days. Accordingly, the month of Ramadan on the solar calendar year comes earlier by about 12 days every year. Ramadan of year 1430 (Hijra lunar Calendar) started in August of year 2009 (solar year calendar). Ramadan was formerly present as a month beofre Isalm, but it was ordained to be fasted in the 2nd hijri year, So, Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) did fast 9 Ramadans, before he died at the age of 63
It finishes Friday September 10, 2010.
Ramadan for the year of 2010 is said to start around August 11th.
January 1st 1999 was the thirteenth day of Ramadan. That year, Ramadan began on December 19th, 1998 and ended on January 17th 1999.
You can visit the link for Ramadan time table, it has not yet been confirmed, http://www.ramadantimetable.co.uk/home/the-latest-news/140-ramadan-timetable-2009-coming-soon.
22 august 2009
Ramadan of year 1431 AH expected to start by 11th or 12th of August 2010 for 29 or 30 days.
its over because its year 2010 (yaay) :)