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Q: When approaching another vehicle from the rear at night how many feet must you dim you headlightsin Florida?
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In Florida when approaching another vehicle from the rear at night how many feet must you dim you headlights?

in florida you must dim your headlights from the oncoming traffic at 500 feet. and from the rear at 300 feet.

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To avoid beiTo avoid being blinded by an approaching vehicle at night, it is best tong blinded by an approaching vehicle at night, it is best to

Does a vehicle approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard include a vehicle approaching from behind?

Yes, especially that.

When approaching a vehicle from the rear at night within how many feet must you dim your bright headlights?

according to Florida handsbook, you must dim your bright headlights within 300 feet of the vehicle ahead.

What oncoming vehicle means?

A vehicle approaching from the opposite direction.

When approaching another vehicle from the rear at night within how many feet should you dim your bright headlights?

at least 2m

To prevent being blinded by an approaching vehicle at night it is to best to?

slow down and avoid looking directly into the lights of the approaching vehicle

Does even trade on a vehicle exist?

Yes it does, I just traded my vehicle for another vehicle even trade and didn't have to pay taxes on it in Florida.