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For all FOUR, anywhere from $70 to $150. Big difference! It does depend on what city/town you live in, believe it or not. It's also much cheaper if you get them balanced where you purchased the tires.

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Q: What will it cost to get your wheels balanced?
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Related questions

How much does front end wheels balanced cost?

usually about $30

How much does it cost to have all wheels balanced?

generally five to seven dollars except a dealers who always rob you.

Why do the car's wheel shake and move to the right?

Your wheels possible need balanced (cost about a fiver in the uk I think) or your tracking is off and needs realigned.

Do you need to balance the rear wheels?

Yes. All four wheels need to be balanced.

20 inch wheels bouncing on front end of 1998 silverado?

The most common problem with whacky wheels is that they are not mounted and balanced properly...go to a tire shop and get them balanced them mount them

Do I need to have the wheels balanced after installing new rim and tire package?

You Should take it to have the wheels balanced at a mechanic to ensure that you care works properly. This will ensure that you do not have problems down the road.

How do you fix a shaky steering wheel?

Most likely cause is out of balance wheels. Get your wheels balanced by your garage or tyre specialist.

Why car shakes when you break after you put aftermarket wheels on?

Wheels need to be balanced, especially if shaking increases with speed..Tom.

Why car shake after putting new wheels on it?

Tires are out of balance. Have the tires balanced.

Your 1996 Plymouth Voyager has a wobble like a unbalanced washing machine between 35 and 50 mph any ideas?

have the wheels balanced and tires checked for out of round.also when balancing tires tell mechanic to check that the wheels are not bent or buckled have the wheels balanced and tires checked for out of round.also when balancing tires tell mechanic to check that the wheels are not bent or buckled

Why does your truck vibrate at 80 kilos?

is the vibrating just at this one speed? have your wheels balanced.

What is the cause of car shaking above 30 mph?

Wheels are not balanced or ball joints