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The driving testor's instructions. You will be nervous as hell but must still follow instructions. Make a full and complete stop at any stop sign and look three ways before moving again. I learned the test route from previous applicants before my test but on the driving test the instructor said turn right here. That was not the normal route. I somehow made it from the left lane of a fourlane highway to the right hand street entrance and between vehicles in the right lane without wrecking my mother's car and got back to the Patrol testing Post. A full and complete stop at stop signs is a requirement for passing the test. Using turn signals is another important requirement. It is also a requirement for your continued longivity. It is very possible to miss seeing a moving vehicle that is moving towards the intersection you are at because of the color of the oncoming car blending with the background colors of the area it is coming from. Sad, but true. A full stop gives you more time to see or sense movement.

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Q: What should you pay attention to in your driving test?
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Pay attention to the road. Do not take your hands off the wheel. Watch the traffic lights.

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Pay attention to the road ahead and concentrate on driving and nothing else.

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In the future when cars are driving themselves, you will not need to pay it much attention except to make sure you entered the correct destination and to listen for warning signals, but for now driving requires a great deal of awareness and attention.

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Do your homework, study for test, and pay good attention.

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Attention is not equal to praise.Attention is not something you "deserve".As a parent, you should pay more attention to the one who needs you more,though of course you should pay attention to all your kids.

Not paying attention?

You really should pay attention ok this relasonship is important REALLY

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You should know, pay attention.

What if I didnt know that I was driving on a suspended license?

Its your job to know.. mine was just suspended but i didnt know and almost coudnt get on plane to get home...We should pay attention LOL

Should you yield at an expressway?

Yes, because if you don't, you wont like the outcome if the other drivers aren't paying attention. In other words, just pay attention when you're driving. Yield, look both ways, etc., or you can die.