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tetraethy lead

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Q: What is used to increase the anti-knocking property of petrol?
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Related questions

Which is used to increase the anti-knocking property of petrol?

tetra ethyl benzene

Do you get extra power from cold petrol when used in a race motor?

rev hard and increase engine pressure.

Which property of a liquid is used when petrol is pumped in the tank to the engine of a car?

Ah, what a lovely question! When petrol is pumped from the tank to the engine of a car, we are relying on the property of liquids called "flowability." This allows the petrol to move smoothly through the fuel system and reach the engine where it can be used to power the vehicle on its journey. Just like how paint flows on our canvas, petrol flows through the car's system to keep us moving forward on our own unique path.

How is petrol used in your daily life?

how is petrol used in our everday life

How is petrol used by us?

Petrol is used by us in Motor Car and Generators.

What is diesel and petrol used for?

diesel and petrol are source which is used to generate power.

What is mortgage options?

A mortgage is the process which is used to purchase the real property to increase the money, to buy the property or by existing property owners to raise the funds for any purpose.

Is analog computer used for petrol refining ?


How would high oil prices cause inflation?

oil in general is used i production of goods and services.. oil as in petrol oil can be used in manufacturing products and if oil price is high, cost of production would be on the increase so this will result in the increase in the price of that product.

What fossil fuel is needed to produce petrol?

oil is used to produce petrol.

Is petrol a liquid or a gas?

Petrol is a liquid. It is a refined product derived from crude oil and is commonly used as fuel for vehicles.

Is petrol a common noun?

Yes, petrol is a material noun. Petrol (petroleum) is used to make plastics.