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An autocide is the control of a pest through propogation of sterile males.

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What are some words that end with the suffix auto?

Here is my list of words containing the word part -auto- but none of them end with it:autarchy n. (Gr. autarchia, absolute power. -auto-, self + -arch-, rule + -y, Qu, A, C) Unlimited power; unlimited sovereignty; autocracy. [Used to mean self-sufficient.]authentic adj. (Gr. authentikos, L. authenticus, coming from the real author. -auto-, self + -entea-, instruments, tools + -ic, L, N, Ch, made of) Genuine, not of doubtful origin.authenticity n. (authentic + -ity, Ch, C, S) Genuineness. The quality of being authentic.autobiography n. (-auto-, self + -bio-, life + -graph-, written + -y, Qu, A, C) A biography written by the subjectautocracy n. (-auto-, self + -cracy, rule) Supreme, uncontrolled, and unlimited authority. A country with this type of government.autocrat n. (-auto-, self + -crat-, rule) An absolute prince or sovereign; dictator, despot.automaton n. (Gr. automatos, -auto-, self + matenein, to strive to do) A mechanical device that mimics the movements of humans or animals.autonomous adj. (Gr. autonomia, independence. -auto-, self + -nom- manage, law + -ous, have, Ch, F) Independent in government. Having the right or power of self-government.autonomy n. (-auto-, self +-nomy, manage, law) The power or right of self-government. Any state that governs itself.autopsy n. (Gr. autopsia. a seeing with one's own eyes, -auto- self + -ops-, eyes, see + -y, Qu, A, C) Personal examination, seeing with one's own eyes. Medically: The post mortem dissection of a dead body to ascertain the cause of death.(autarky, autecoid, autecology, authotype, autism, autoantibody, autoantitoxin, autoasphyxiation, autoaudible, autocarp, autocatalysis, autocephalous, autochronograph, , autochthonal, autocide, autocinesis, autoclasia, autoclave, autodeme, autodermic, autodiagnosis, autodidactic, autodyne, autoecious, autoerotism, autofecundation, autogamous, autogenesis, autogenous, autogiro, autognosis, autograft, autograph, autohemolysis, autohemorrhage, autohemotherapy, autohypnosis, autoimmune, autoinfection, autoinnoculation, autointoxicant, autokinesis, autolatry, autologous, autology, autoluminescence, autolysin, autolysis, automat, automatic, automation, automnesia, automobile, automysophobia, autonarcosis, autonephrectomy, autonetics, autonym, autonymous, autopathography, autophagia, autophile, autophobia, autophony, autophyllogeny, autophyte, autoplasty, autopotamic, autopsychosis, autopsychotherapy, autoradiograph, autosite, autosome, autosomatognosis, autostylic, autosuggestion, autotemnous, autotheism, autotherapy, autotomy, autotopagnosia, autotoxemia, autotoxic, autotoxicosis, autotoxin, autotrophic, autotropism, autotype, autoxenous, autoxidation, autozooid, chemoautotrophic, dermatoautoplasty, photoautotropic, semiautomatic, semiautonomous)