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That's your Collision Damage Waiver -- the insurance you purchased on the rental when you rented it.

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Q: What is a cdw charge on a rental car?
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Related questions

Can you purchase a cdw for a rental from an insurance comany not the rental agent?

No, you can not purchase CDW fro a rental from an insurance company. It has to be purchased through the rental agent. CDW stands for collision damage waiver.

What is covered under CDW insurance?

The CDW (Collision Damage Waiver) insurance covers the following: Liability, collision, theft and other damage. This sort of insurance is offered by car rental companies.

Can a car rental company take money without notice?

Yes . examples are damage to car because you did not take out CDW (Collision Damage Waver) , your brought the car back late or that or if you hadn't paid for full tank option, they can charge you for the fuel used if you brought it with less than you took it.

Does your car insurance cover car rental?

There are exceptions to this but normally the car rental firms insurance covers the the car, if in doubt always get CDW when renting a car (Collision Damage Waver) if you have OPCF 27 on your car insurance then your insurance will cover the rental car, its called the Laibility for damage to non-owned automobiles. you must have collision and comprehensive for this coverage to work.

Can you hire a car from Boston to Montreal?

One way car rental is certainly possible, although there may be a one-way charge involved. The exact charge depends on the rental location, car size, rental duration etc.

What is DW charge on rental car?

"Damage Waiver".

Cherece drove her rental car 75 miles over a seven day period Calculate her cost of renting the car from Classy Rents if the rental fee is 12.00 per day plus 0.23 a mile and 3.00 per day for CDW?

7 days x $12/day = $8475 miles x 0.23 = $17.257 days x $3 (CDW) = $2184 + 17.25 + 21 =$122.25

Is car rental insurance included when you rent a car in TX?

In the State of Texas, when you rent a car, rental insurance is not included. If you want to have the rental insurance it will come with an extra charge.

What insurance should you get for a rental car if you have a valid drivers license but do not own a car and therefore have no car insurance?

Rental companies offer CDW (Collison Damage Waiver), Liability and PAI (Personal Accident Insurance). Most of the major credit cards will automatically cover you for CDW (protection against theft and damage to the car) when you use that card for renting a car (check with your credit card company though) Liability is essential in your scenario as you don't have any other car insurance (this would protect you if in case of accident in which you are at fault and this fully covers expenses for the affected party you crashed with) PAI could be handy if you dont have a proper medical insurance. If you have a medical insurance with good coverage, this is not not needed. Bottomline is go for CDW and Liability if your credit card does not cover CDW or go for Liability Insurance alone (which would be between 9 and 14 $ a day in USA)

Is collision damage waiver the same as under insured motorist protection?

CDW/LDW is a waiver, the rental car companies agrees not to go after the renter for any damages to the rental car (regardless of fault) if you purchase the waiver for a daily fee. As long as the renter does not violate the contract. If someone else is at fault they will then go after that person. It only covers the rental car, nothing else is covered

Who pays for the damages to your vehicle if a rental car is at fault?

It all depends on whether the renter signed up for the car rental company's extra insurance coverage at the beginning of the rental. If LDW (Loss Damage Waiver) or CDW (Collision Damage Waiver) insurance coverage was accepted by the renter, you will likely be dealing with the car rental company's insurance. If the renter declined the extra coverage, then you will deal directly with the renter's personal insurance provider.

What car rental agencies charge a surcharge for drivers over the age of 65?

There are not any car rental agencies that charge a surcharge for drivers over the age of 65. This would be considered discrimination.