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You are going to lose your license. If you are under 21 DUI laws are ZERO-TOLERANCE.

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Q: What if a teen is caught driving under the influence of alcohol?
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What happens if your caught while driving under the influence of alcohol?

You might go to jail...

Driving operating under the influence means driving?

This means driving under the influence of alcohol and/or driving under the influence of drugs.

What does Driving Operating under the influence mean?

This means driving under the influence of alcohol and/or driving under the influence of drugs.

Can driving under the influence of anger can be as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol?

Yes / True

What is a DUI charge?

Drunk under the influence. Basically driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol.

Driving under the influence of anger can be as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol?

Driving while angry can make you have a lack of focus on the road ahead of you.

Whats the meaning of DUI charges?

Dui charges are driving under the influence of alcohol. When one is caught pulled over by the police and they fail the alcohol limit test. The cop brings them up on charges of driving drunk.

What is the penalty for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs?

withdrawal of driving licence

What are inpaired drivers?

People that are driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol

What violations add 2 points to your driving record?

Driving under The influence of alcohol and drugs

What do you think about driving under the influence?

I think that driving under the influence of alcohol is stupid, If you have ever been drunk you know that you don't really have control over your actions while the alcohol is effecting the brain. As for driving under the influence of other things, such as marijuana, that's fine, because its hella easy.

What is the exact definition of DUI in terms of blood alcohol levels?

The blood alcohol level allowed by law varies depending where you are in the world. The highest blood alcohol level allowed is 0.08. If one is caught driving with a blood alcohol level higher than this, they could be charged for DUI or Driving Under the Influence.