Weak battery?Bad starter?Timing set too far advanced?
The tires are spinning faster and creating more friction, also, You're heading into the air faster, even if the car is aerodynamic it still causes drag.
Sounds like your clutch is faulty or it may need adjustment.
The bus is the communication system between computers on the car. No bus means the system is not functioning. Possible causes include fuses, wiring, or any of the modules on the car.
Speed from a standing start to the end of a drag strip 1,000 feet away.
it depends what the car has done to it and if it hooks up good.
I think it was Ford Mustang was the first drag car.
Most likely the crank sensor bu you must scan the vehicle while the problem is happening to get the code
Time when trying to start the car engine trns butwill not start turn key off then onagain it starts right up
Check for vaccuum leaks this could be your problem.