could be several things. If it just shuts off with out starving for fuel (acts like you turned it off with the key)could be an electrical problem. If it has points I would check the wires from the coil to be sure they are good and have clean connection. You should also check your ground wires and your ignition switch.
If the car is starving for fuel it will feel just like you ran out of gas, bucking.
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Generally cruise will turn itself off when the car is turned off, but it is always good to be sure, I always turn it off when I am not using it.
probably a vacuum leak
Yes, it could.
the Clock is probably wired to the ignition and power is turned off every time you turn off the Car there fore you have to reset the clock.
An electrical short to ground.
A car that shuts off when the turn signal is used indicates a major short in the electrical system. When the turn signal is used, it cause a massive draw on the power and shuts it down.
Most likely cause is that the rev limiter has cut in.
The cause of the code has to be repaired, and then the light may shut itself off or it may require a scan tool.
The cause of the code has to be repaired, and then the light may shut itself off or it may require a scan tool.
A a steam locomotive can turn itself off when the engine is overheated.
This will be a guess, but most Nissan trucks, after you first turn the key to ON, before starting the engine, the electric fuel pump in the tank will turn on and prime itself. It turns off when the fuel pressure rises to normal