D - All of the Above
Mist is the correct spelling.An example sentence is "the mist lowered the visibility on the road".Unless you mean "missed". As in "he missed the bus".
visibility visibility
The suffix for visibility is "-ity".
No, but it can be either a verb or an adjective(e.g. lowered gaze, lowered levels).It is the past tense and past participle of the verb to lower.
High visibility = easy to see low visibility = dfifficult to see.
the state of visibility
If it is a raido it can be lowered However sounds like a consturction site cannot be lowered There are many things that can be lowered or not lowered
Visibility is spelled as v-i-s-i-b-i-l-i-t-y.
The Visibility of Thought was created in 2001.
The adjective form of visibility is "visible."