Generally speaking, a stoppage of gasoline to one of its engine cylinders will cause a car to seem like it's stalling.
stalling, but not often?
to stall your car
no, stalling only makes your car stop for a brief moment when shifting geers to fast or not using the clutch correctly
I believe the water causes condensation in the gas,and could cause a problem with stalling. Provided it is an older model car.
When a Chrysler Sebring is stalling it is possible that poor gasoline has been used. It is also possible that the car needs the spark plugs replaced.
so that the driver of a manual car can change gear without stalling
To prevent the car from stalling
There are a couple of reasons a 1991 Chevrolet Caprice may stall out. The car may need a new distributor cap or the plugs may need changed. A mechanic will be able to determine the causes of the stalling car.
Stalling while driving may be caused by a collapsing or kinked neoprene fuel line.
I do not do anything. You need to have a tune up done on your car.
if you do have gas in the car then it could be the idle control valve. it stops the engine from stalling when the car is stationary