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Then you slow down and drive with caution.

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Q: The road is mostly slippery
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The slippery road sign coming on when the road is not slippery means what?

This spot is prone to being slippery with out warning. BE CAREFULL!

A road is most slippery?

A dry road is most slippery right after it starts raining. Of course any road is most slippery when it is covered in ice.

When road is most slippery?

when it begins to rain

Why road slippery when wet?

Because of its wetness

Why is road slippery when wet?

Because of its wetness

A road is most slippery when?

it is icy and then sanded

What is the meaning of slippery bend traffic sign?

It means the road may be slippery, proceed with caution.

How do you write a sentence with the word slippery?

The ice had made the road very slippery and cars had stopped on the side of the road, abandoned.My first shower in the joint, I just could not hold onto the soap! It was way too slippery! Hilarious stuff.The rocks were slick and slippery with algae.

When braking in a slippery road what do you do?

Pump the brakes gently

When driving in rain the road becomes the most slippery?

is defined as a state of periodic or chronic impairment detrimental to the individual and society

Why is the road is most slippery when it begins to rain?

As rain falls, the water mixes with oil found on the road's surface, making the pavement slippery.that we use the alakalis to the litmus paper

What is more slippery than an icy road?

A wet floor can be more slippery than an icy road as water reduces friction between the surface and our shoes, making it easier to lose traction and slip.