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If you have your own vehicle you should use it. Retal agencies make you pay for damadge and charge you daily. Sometimes it can be a minimum of $35.

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Q: Should you rent a car to go from San Francisco to the red wood forest?
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Why should forest conserve?

wood,dirt and seeds

Where can I rent a wood splitter?

You can rent a wood splitter at woodsplitax dot com. You can use a manual ax to split your own wood or you can buy or rent a splitting machine for that.

Why do they call it the stone forest?

The forest is made of petrified wood that's not wood at all.

What do you get from forest?

You can get wood

What type of trees in a temperate forest?

oak trees , red wood trees , and forest wood trees

Were wood grow?


How do you say wood in Spanish?

bosque - forest/wood madera - wood (material)

What is a reserve forest?

A forest reserve is a portion or specific area in the forest which will be conserved and protected in order to prevent wood-choppers to cut log-wood illegally!!!!!!!!

What is wood drying?

Seasoned for fireplace wood, deadfall for in a forest

Why were the Bantu more successful than the Egyptians at iron smelting?

Living in the forest gave them more wood for charcoal

What is the name of the forest outside Macbeths castle?

The forest outside Macbeth's castle is called Birnam Wood.

What is the definition of wood species?

Animals that live in wood or live in the forest.